Jumat, 25 Februari 2022

Bahan Ajar dan LKS Recount TextBahasa Inggris Kelas X




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Recount text adalah sebuah text yang menceritakan kembali kejadian, peristiwa dan pengalaman seseorang di masa lalu atau yang sudah di lakukan.

Tujuan komunikatif adalah melaporkan peristiwa, kejadian dan pengalaman yang terjadi di waktu lampau dalam sebuah urutan secara kronologis untuk menghibur atau memberikan informasi kepada pembaca.

Didalam recaount text ada struktur-struktur batau generic structurenya yaitu:

·       Orientation: pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu (who, where dan when).

·       Event: menceritakan peristiwa yang terjadi.

·       Re-orientation: ungkapan akhir cerita penulis atau orang yang menulis cerita tersebut.

Ciri-Ciri Recount Text

Memakai Past Tense. Misalkan we went to beach, I was happy, etc.
Memakai Conjunction dan Time Connectives untuk mengurutkan peristiwa atau kejadian. Misalnya and, but, the, aft
er that, etc.
Memakai Adverbs dan Adverbial Phrase untuk mengungkapkan tempat, waktu dan cara. Misalkan yesterday, at my house, slowly, etc.
Memakai Action Verbs
, contohnya:  went, slept, run, brought, etc.


·       Pengalaman (Personal) Recount Yaitu menceritakan tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis.

·       Kejadian dari teks recount yaitu suatu kegiatan yang tidak di rencanakan atau di prediksi (kapan dan dimana).

·       Peristiwa (event) dari teks recount yaitu suatu kegiatan yang akan di lakukan dan terencana (waktu dan tempat dapat di ketahui).

Topic is what the text is tell about.

Character (tokoh) is person who in the text.

Main idea is usually in the first paragraph and in general.

Supporting idea is usually in second, thirt....... paragraph and in detail.

Meaning is the value of the text, like: Moral message.






Activity 2.  Read and answer this following text!


On Children's Day in 1999, a technology company treated more than 200 underprivileged children to a 'high-tech' experience. They were given training on information technology. The company wanted to provide opportunities for these children to learn more about the Internet and the latest technology. They wanted to help the less fortunate in the community. The children had an enjoyable and educational experience that day. They were exposed to the new technology for the first time and they were very interested. The company hoped to conduct many more such training sessions for these children. They fell that the skills the children had would be useful to them when they grew up. The company was very active in caring for the less fortunate. They even put aside one day a year for their employees to do volunteer work to help the needy. They also donated money to many charitable organisations. Many people had benefited from their efforts. Many also praised the company for being so generous towards the needy.


1.   What is the topic about?

2.   Whose the characters in the text?

3.   What is the main idea in tyhe text?

4.   Mention thesupporting idea in the text?

5.   What is the messagebased on the text?



Activity 2.  Arrange these paragraph below to make a recount text!

1.     We went to the camping site by trucks. It took about an hour and a half to get there. Along the way I saw beautiful scenery of villages with green rice fields and trees.

2.     Last month, my family took a camping trip to the mountain in Yogyakarta. It is Mount Merapi which is still an active volcano up to now. It is not far from my home town.

3.     At 10.00 O’clock we arrived there and the air was very cold.

4.     We could sit around it and sing until midnight.

5.     Every morning we went hiking and bicycling to warm our body. It was so cold. At night we built a fire. I had to keep the fire burning.




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