Rabu, 28 Juli 2021

Expression Suggestion and Offer


Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Expression Of Suggestion and Offer Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester Ganjil

A. Kompetensi Dasar:

3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait saran dan tawaran, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan should, can)

4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait saran dan tawaran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

B. Pengertian Suggestion and Offer

Asking and giving suggestion berarti memberi dan meminta saran/nasehat/masukan ataupun ide lainnya antara satu orang dengan orang lain. Hal ini dapat diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan nyata dimana manusia sebagai mahluk sosial pasti akan saling membutuhkan satu sama lain. Pada waktu tertentu kita dapat menasihati orang lain, sementara dilain waktu kita jua pasti akan meminta

Sementara Offer adalah sebuah tawaran atau menawarkan terhadap sesuatu. Offer dalam bahasa inggris dapat digunakan sebagai verb (kata kerja) dan noun (kata benda). Dalam menawarkan sesuatu seseorang juga harus menggunakan kata dan ungkapan yang tepat sehingga orang  lain  akan  menerima  tawaran  yang  kita  berikan  dan  bahkan  orang  lain  tidak  akan tersinggung dengan niat

baik kita.

Itulah sebenarnya konsep dasar dari suggestions and offer yang dapat berjalan bersamaan ada saran/nasihat yang baik dari seseorang kepada orang lain, tetapi agar saran dan tawaran itu dapat diterima maka kata, kalimat dan ungkapan yang digunakan pun harus sopan dan lembut.


C. Contoh Expression of Suggestions and Offers


1. Asking Suggestion (Meminta Saran)

1. Do you have suggestions for this complicated problem?


2. What is the best way to solve this problem?


3. Please give me solutions!


4. Can you show me the way to avoid addicted online game?


5. Please tell me the way?


6. Your suggestions, please!


7. What should I do to overcome this conflict?


8. What is your recommendation to be best students?


9. Do you have any ideas?


10.Can you tell me what I should do?

        11.What is your advice about this problem?

12.Do you have any advice for me?


13.Would you please give solution please!


14.Any idea?


15.Can you give me some advice about…?


2. Giving Suggestion (Memberi Saran)


1. You had better to stay at home than go out side


2. You should do best thing for your better future.


3. You need/ought to refresh your mind after joining the hard test.


4. You ought to go to cinema than shopping center.


5. I think you should buy the text book to help your online learning.


6. I advise you to finish the home work first before going to your friend house.


7. I suggest you to be an army than civil servant.


8. I suggest that you are capable enough to join the assessment.


9. I recommend you to join the education seminar to enlarge your knowledge


10.Maybe you should be given the treatment.


Selain ungkapan dan saran yang telah dijelaskan diatas, maka ada beberapa ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa digunakan untuk memberikan saran atau tawaran. Adapun cara membuat saran juga dapat menggunakan pola berikut ini:


a. How about… (Bagaimana jika…)


1.How about we join the math competition next month


2.How about you go home first to know more about your daughter problem.


3.How about I ask his personal problem.


4.How about we go cycling this coming Sunday.


5.How about we work together on fixing this problem


6.How about you take on this chance and see where this goes?

7.How about I try to oversee this project


8.How about we ask our boss for his thoughts on this?


b. Why don’t you… (Kenapa Anda tidak…)

1.Why dont you join the sport to keep your body healthy.


2.Why dont you refresh your mind by playing online game.


3.Why dont you read the scientific book to enrich and enlarge your ability.


4.Why dont you finish your job now so we can go earlier


5.Why dont you buy the groceries on your way back home?


6.Why dont you take this job?


7.Why dont you let yourself be happy once in a while?


8.Why dont you fill this form clearly.


c. You could… (Anda bisa…)

1. You could see a doctor soon to check up your healthy.


2. You could give this gift to your special friend.


3. You could do this job as well as possible.


4. You could finish the home work soon


5. You could stand up here to wait the special guests.


6. You could find the evidence by going to the village.


7. You could answer the questions orally.


8. You could get the internet access in the spot.


9. learn how to write an essay from the internet


10.You could try to be more open about your feelings


11.You could ask your friends to be honest people


d. I think you should (Menurut saya sebaiknya Anda…

1. I think you should get up early in the morning.


2. I think you should find the answers by your self.


3. I think you should go home earlier.


4. I think you should read this book as soon as possible.


5. I think you should complete the empty forms by the correct data.


6. I think you should clear your head for a bit


7. I think you should get a good night sleep.


8. I think you should take things slowly


9. I think you should take care of your health more.


10.I think you should care your self to avoid the conflict.


e. It might be a good idea to… (Mungkin ide yang bagus untuk…)


1.It might be a good idea to travel to a peace place.


2.It might be a good idea to leave the meeting earlier.


3.It might be a good idea to learn something form beginning.


4.It might be a good idea to make a 25 % discount for our customers.


5.It might be a good idea to improve our marketing strategy


6.It might be a good idea to move from your current place


7.It might be a good idea to take one project at a time


8.It might be a good idea to join edutech seminar.


9.It might be a good idea to write short story of your life.


3.  Expression of offering help

1. Would you mind giving me chance to help you?


2. Would you please let me to help you?


3. What should I do for you?


4. Would you lend me to pick you up!


5. May I help you?


     6. Can I help you?

How to express Suggestions ? Read below :

Asking Suggestion

Giving Suggestion

Do you have any suggestion for me?

You'd better....

Will you give me some suggestion, please?

You could (might)....

Shall I come back later

I suggest that you....

Any idea?

I recommend that you

Where do you think I can get something nice?

You really should....

Can you tell me what happened?

I strongly advise you to....

Please tell me what should I do?

My advice is to be careful in doing business with them.


Accepting Suggestion

Rejecting Suggestion

That's a good/nice/wonderful idea.

I don't think so.

Yeah, sure.

I tried that, but it didn't work.

Thank you. I'll try that.

Thanks, but that won't help because....

Why didn't I think of that?

I don't want to do that because....

I think you're right.

That's a good idea, but....

That's sounds good.

I'm afraid I can't do that.

Sure. I'll do that.

I think it can't solve my problem.


Let's go out and watch movie

Ayo kita keluar dan menonton film

Shall we go to the art exhibition on Sunday?

Akankah kita mengunjungi pameran kesenian hari minggu?

Let's have fried rice for dinner

Ayo kita makan nasi goreng untuk makan malam

Shall we meet at the Mexican restaurant on Friday night?

Apakah kita akan bertemu di restoran Meksiko Jumat malam?

Let me take you home after school.

Izinkan aku mengantarmu sepulang sekolah

Will I see her at the book store?

Apakah aku akan bertemu denganya di toko buku?

What can you recommend?

Apa yang bisa anda rekomendasikan?

What do you think I should do?

Menurutmu apa yang harus kulakukan?

What would you suggest?

Apa yang kamu sarankan?

Do you have any suggestion?

Apakah kamu punya saran?



Asking Suggestion

Giving Suggestion

Do you have any ideas for me?

(Apa kau punya ide untukku?)

Do you have any suggestions for me?

(Apa kau punya saran untukku?)

Do you have any advice for me?

(Apa kau punya nasihat untukku?)

Would you mind giving me your suggestion?

(Apakah kau mau memberikan saran?)

Can you tell me what I should do?

(Bisakah kau katakana apa yang harus aku lakukan)

What should I do?

(Aku seharusnya melakukan apa?)

You should + V1

(Kau seharusnya + Kata kerja

You had better + V1

(Kau lebih baik + Kata kerja)

You ought to + V1

(Kau seharusnya + Kata Kerja)

I advise you to + V1

(saya sarankan kau untuk + kata kerja)

I suggest you to + V1

(saya sarankan kau untuk + kata kerja)

I recommend you to + V1

(saya anjurkan kau untuk + kata kerja)


The example of dialogue using expression of suggestion:

Igni      : Hi Peter, would you like to do something with me this weekend?

Peter    : Sure. What shall we do?

Igni      : I don't know. Do you have any ideas?

Peter    : Why don't we see a film?

Igni      : That's sounds good to me. Which film shall we see?

Peter    : Let's see "Action Man 4".

Igni     : I'd rather not. I don't like violent films. How about going to "Mad Doctor Brown"? I  hear it's quite a funny film.

Peter    : OK. Let's go see that. When is it on?

Igni      : It's on at 8 o'clock at the Rex. Shall we have a bite to eat before the film?

Peter    : Sure, that sounds great. What about going to that new Italian restaurant 'Michetti's'?

Igni      : Great idea! Let's meet there at six.

Peter    : OK. I'll see you at 'Michetti's' at six. Bye.

Igni      : Bye.


Student Worksheet (Lembar Kerja Siswa)




 Pertemuan 1

Task 1

Read the dialogues then underlined the phrase showing the expression of giving and offering suggestion, and its responses!

  1. Dialogue 1


Have you gone to the art exhibition? It's held for two weeks.



Not yet. Have you?



I haven't had the time to go there yet. Why don't we go there tomorrow?



Well, since we don't have anything to do, why don't we go there now?



That's a good idea. But we should have lunch first. I don't want to see the art exhibition on empty stomach.



That's right. What do you recommend?



Let's eat at Lucy's cafe. I like the chicken roast and the fruit salad there.



Well, come on then.

 Dialogue 2


What do you suggest we should do this weekend?



There was an interesting advertisement in the newpaper this morning. It's about cooking lesson which will be held this weekend at the Orchid Hotel.



Is that so?



Yes, and what's more interesting is the fact that the teachers are well know international chefs. And they will be teaching international cuisine.



Wow, that's really interesting. That will be a good idea to spend our weekend. But how to apply?



We can book via telephone and the whole lesson cost two hundred thousand rupiahs.Would  you recommend this to our friends? It would be fun if we can take this lesson together.



Sure. I'll let them know.

 Dialogue 3


I want to buy a new cellphone, do you have any suggestions for me?



What kind of cellphone do you want?



Well, any type will do as long as it has a camera on it. But I don't have that much money so I have to find cellphone that are not too expensive.



Don't worry, there are so many cellphones to choose. We better go to the Bridgetown Mall, there are so many cellphone shop there. Shall we meet there tomorrow?



Sure, tomorrow afternoon will do. We can have lunch at the foodcourt after that. Thanks, buddy.

Task 2

Match the following questions in the left side with the responses in the right side!






Shall we open the window?


Sorry, can't make Friday. How about Thursday?


Shall we have a 15 minute break?


I think it's about time you all came to my place.


Shall we say next Friday?


Good idea. It's really stuffy in here.


Where shall we meet?


Well we're going to have to bite the bullet on this sooner or later.


Who shall we send to Poland?


I think it would be better to wait until Lindsey is here.


What shall we do about their offer?


I think it's best to tell her nothing. She can't keep a secret.


When shall we have the next meeting?


Why not Baker? He's used to working in Eastern Europe?


What shall we do about John?


I think we should leave that to one side for the time being.


Shall we start?


How about next Friday?


What shall we tell Rachel?


I think it’s best to send him to London.

 Task 4

              Complete the following dialogues using the best expression of asking, giving and offering suggestion!

1.               Q : I have a task from my teacher. I must search a song in English. Do you have any ideas?

      A : .....................

2.               Q : .....................?

     A : I suggest you to give her something useful.

3.               Q : Where do you think i can get something nice?

     A : ......................

4.               Q : ............................?

     A : I think you should take a rest for a while.

5.               Q : Shall we meet at the Mexican restaurant on Friday night?

     A : .....................


Pertemuan 2

Task 1

Make your own dialogue about expression of asking, giving and offering suggestion, and its response based on the situation given!

  1. Rudi is sick. His friends suggest him to see a doctor.
  2. Alvred lost his motorcycle. Aris suggests him to tell it to the police. 
  3. Emmy’s friend is having birthday, so she wants to buy a gift. She asks for suggestion from her friend what should she buy.



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